Spectacular Stuffs (rough draft of idea)

Spectacular Stuffs

The rough idea is to have an aggregate blog (posterous) where contributors can post “spectacular” stuff they find, but with a catch. The idea is to follow the stuffs posted to gauge its ongoing online impact (if any) and then, if possible (maybe this is a next step) to provide a platform for recommendations/support to gain the stuff greater online magnetism.

Here’s the flow I envision:

–          Contributor posts the stuff. Anyone should be able to contribute. This contribution could be a link, a photo, a blog post; something that provides enough information in order to the audience to learn about and then find the stuff. We could provide a simple check list for contributors for each post (name or stuff, link, brief description, category, etc.)

–          Next layer is “editor” (all layers/roles for the blog are “if time allows”). Editors note the current levels for spectacular stuff (Twitter, FB, Offline, News, other). Then in 30 days, the editors re-investigate to see if the stuff has either gained or lost momentum. We could create a simple index or matrix to help define the progress or disintegration.

–          Next layer is “Commentary” These folks would weigh-in and craft simple points to help these stuffs gain more momentum, or point to why they are failing.

On a base level, all we really need to do is post the stuffs and let anyone comment. The following two levels are how we differentiate from the other showcase blogs AND invite-in participation that pushes ideas forward.
